Alice’s Story
Hey I’m Alice,
When George asked me to write something for MyoMinds I wasn’t sure where to start, there’s so much! I’ve had notable ups and down with my mental health for about four years now and there’s no way of condensing that into one post. The one consistency has been how important exercise has been in helping me move in the right direction. The other consistency has been how damn difficult it is to keep up an exercise routine when you’re going through tougher times!
Essentially, life isn’t easy. It also doesn’t owe you or hand you anything, and so you do have to learn how to get up and make things work for you. Life will never stop giving you challenges, you can just get better at tackling and responding to them.
I would say my mental health is now the best it’s been for a long time. I know I will still go through lows and it’s something I need to continue managing, but I finally have the tools to do so a lot more effectively. I recently set up an Instagram account @bitmoremitch where I share thoughts on mental health and fitness. I’ve found it’s helped improve my relationship with social media, as well as allowing me to reflect on the positive steps I can take every day as I share them with others.
It’s taken me a while to get here and it’s not a process that can be rushed. If you want to achieve any goal including improving your mental health, you have to be willing to learn and improve every day. And remember that even the smallest of steps will add up to take you in the right direction!